Impacts of Covid-19 pandemic

It’s been a challenging time for everyone, these past few months as we’ve all been badly affected by the Covid-19 pandemic.  While work has necessarily slowed on e-Advantage it has not stopped.

Because of the different restrictions in partners’ countries project partners will be piloting the peer e- mentoring platform and materials in different ways and at different times.

We’re glad to report that many of the women in London who have been helping to test the e-Advantage platform and materials as they are created have found them helpful and even a support through difficult times.

So a huge thanks to everyone for carrying on despite everything – we’re a resilient bunch.

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Hosting Zoom Partner Meetings

As a partnership, we have become very used to holding meetings over Zoom, Teams and Meet etc so we thought we’d share some tips based on our experience over the past 18 months. (Also useful for online peer mentoring).