A collection of resources identified and shared during the programme.

e-Advantage Handbook
to help run peer mentoring schemes

We have created a Handbook for organisations and individuals who wish to create their own peer mentor training schemes.

The handbook is available in the following languages:

What is Peer Mentoring?
e-Advantage produced an explainer animation 

Using the insights from the e-mentoring programme, we produced a short explainer animation to help explain the benefits and advantages of peer mentoring.

Watch below or share this link (CC – Translated Captions available): https://youtu.be/n5TlSGP2liQ

e-Advantage Webinar
recorded explanation session

In memory of Sam Robb-McKinlay who helped to create e-Advantage and its sister project, BREW – a great mentor and an inspiring woman.

The recording below is an edited version of two webinars we held about our approach to training tutors how to use the materials. Use the chapter markers to skip to sections you find most relevant.

Use this link to share the video.

e-Advantage Inspiration Gallery
produced using Padlet.com

Over the course of the programme – partners and women participating uploaded useful resources. Padlet is an online tool that is easy to upload and categories content. Everyone found the tool intuitive and easy to use.

View our Padlet below or via the link https://padlet.com/eadvantage/inspiration

Made with Padlet

Inspired by BREW
utilising material from BREWproject.eu

e-Advantage was inspired by the success of our earlier Erasmus+ project, BREW. As a result of this programme a Google site of resources was created and we encouraged participants to utilise these resources to support their peer mentoring.

You can access this resource site via the link https://sites.google.com/view/brewproject-eu/